Making Closed Software Act Like It’s Open
Via Slashdot and Gizmag: “Researchers from the University of Washington have managed to add customization and accessibility options to proprietary software without ever touching the source code. Rather than alter program code, Prefab looks for the pixels associated with the blocks of code used to paint applications to a screen, grabs hold of them, and […]
The Apple Paradox, Closed Culture & Free-Thinking Fans
Now this is something that I, as a complete Apple-o-phile, have also often pondered: How does Apple manage to retain it’s image as the favorite hard- and software provider for the world’s creative open culture community while being such a proprietary-centered business? It’s an immense paradox – which is highlighted in this interesting article from […]
The best free software
The great Lifehacker technology-blog just announced their top-50 list of the best free software right now, as voted by their readers. See the list here – with links for download and all. Check it out and make an effort to replace your proprietary software (Microsoft Office, Microsoft Outlook, Adobe Creative Suite etc.) with these free […]