The future is here: Control via brainwaves // #ted
In this incredible video from TED, by Tan Le of Emotiv Systems, we are presented with a phenomenon that sci-fi movies have imagined in decades (often referred to as telekinesis – or simply using the force) – namely the ability to control objects via mere thoughts. Now that future is here, as a functioning brainwave […]
Swedish Pirate Party launches as ISP // #privacy
The Swedish Pirate Party once again draws headlines (in a recent post here, I also mentioned how they’ve started hosting The Pirate Bay website). This time the gung-ho party announce how they will launch as ISP (Internet Service Provider) in order to offer a service that is completely safe and private for users – by […]
Big Bang, Big Boom: The Story of Evolution, Told in Graffiti // #blu #streetart
The Amazing Brain Pickings blog recently made me aware of the latest creation by Italian street artist BLU; a stop-motion movie illustrating the story of evolution in the most brilliant way – and it becomes even more impressive when knowing that it was appearantly made with no post-production. Read the original post at Brain Pickings […]
How Google Works (infographic) #google
As is almost always the case, infographics like this one manages to explain complex issues in a simple, understandable way – without making the facts any less impressive. This one outlines the mechanism that lies behind the Google search engine – which is nothing less than incredible. Watch infographics in full size
Letting The AP Taste Their Own Medicine
From Boing Boing: When internet-store W00t! posted its delightful notice about being acquired by Amazon, it was picked up and re-run by blogs all over the net. Not wanting to miss out on the action, the Associated Press ran the story and the text, too. One problem: the AP has previously told bloggers that quotations […]
Tetris Everywhere!
Flickr user group L-plate Big Cheese has curated an impressive and funny gallery titled Tetris Everywhere, which shows the tetrism that is all around us. Watch gallery @ Flickr