Big Content’s war on democracy / #acta
Posted on | May 7, 2010 | No Comments
We’ve probably all been following the ACTA-case with our breath held back to some extent (if you haven’t really been paying close attention, check out this great video – it’s 40 minutes, but really worth it). In this post I will not deal with the ACTA details themselves, but rather point the attention towards one of Boing Boing-editor Cory Doctorow’s interesting articles on the overall perspective of not only ACTA, but also ao. the legislation propositions we are seeing in the United Kingdom these days (often referred to as ‘three strikes‘).
In his article ‘This means war: Big Content’s war on democracy‘, Doctorow ao. explains how “the latest round of dirty tricks from the entertainment industry — perverting British law, proposing an American police state, building an oppressive global treaty behind closed doors — changes the game. We’re no longer merely arguing about the future of control over culture: now it’s about the fundamentals of a just and free society.” Read the full article, as published in The Guardian.
Tags: ACTA > Boing Boing > Cory Doctorow > three strikes
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