Danish anti-piracy agency throw in the towel
Posted on | November 7, 2009 | 12 Comments
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Just now it has been announced in the press by the official Danish Anti-Piracy agency, Antipiratgruppen, that they are throwing in the towel and will seize cease their operations completely; to find and convict music copyright offenders. In todays news, in an article on the website of national daily Politiken, the story reads:
(rought translation from Danish – read original piece here):
Published Nov 06 2009 23.00 (11pm) on politiken.dk
By Dorrit Saietz and Rune Eltard-Sørensen
It is illegal, but still you will not be punished.
In practice it proven almost impossible to prosecute the many Danes who infringe copyright online, when they download music, film, games and software for free.
This says Antipiratgruppen (Anti-Piracy Group), who in behalf of the movie- and music industry since 2002 has worked to stop illegal piracy and file sharing. And there they now throw in the towel and drop the cases against privates suspected of illegal file sharing.
“We have to, because it is has been announced by the state court, that it takes very strong and concrete evidence to have these people prosecuted. We have simply not been able to establish the necessary evidence,” says
»Det har vi været nødt til, fordi det er kommet frem i landsretten, at det kræver meget stærke og konkrete beviser at få dømt de her folk. Vi har simpelthen ikke kunnet løfte bevisbyrden«, siger paralegal Maria Fredenslund from Antipiratgruppen.
An overview of Danish trials shows an extremely small possibility of getting sentenced – unless the the accused confesses. Four principal state court trials last year lead to three acquittals and only a single sentence for illegal file sharing. And this sentence only came into place because of a confession.
Per Overbeck is the lawyer of the accused and tells, that cases against two more of his clients these last six months has been dropped.
“Antipiratgruppen has recognized that they cannot get people sentences without either catching them in the act or threatening them to confess. In practice, that means that if there is no confession – then there is no case,” he says.
Illegal file sharing is immensely popular. In a recent survey from Aarhus University is shows that 70 per cent of youths between 15 and 25 years download illegal music from the Internet.
The music industry label association IFPI estimate that 95 per cent of all downloads happen without the consent of copyright owners and that this cost the music business billions in lost revenue every year.
A recent report from the Cultural Ministry support defence lawyer Per Overbeck and Antipiratgruppens estimate, that last years’ state court sentences makes it practically impossible to have private citizens sentenced for illegal file sharing:
“Out of the four cases we can establish, that the courts do not sentence owners of Internet connections simply because of technical identification of IP-adresses and technical recognition of files,” they say.
The report also points out that if a copyright owner for instance wishes to stop file sharing in a network, it demands that they make contact with every single user of the Internet. And this, as it is diplomatically put, “requires a significant amount of resources, both economically and in regard to time consumption.”
The politicians in the Cultural Board of Folketinget (the Danish parliament) admit that it is “up hill”, as the party Venstre (moderate right wing party) cultural spokesman, Troels Christensen, put it.
“We cannot prosecute, we’ve seen many examples of that”, he says.
Cultural Minister Carina Christensen (Conservative party) was not available for comment, as she was out travelling.
Tags: Anti-Piracy Group > Antipiratgruppen > file sharing > IFPI > illegal download > movie industry > movies > music > music industry
12 Responses to “Danish anti-piracy agency throw in the towel”
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November 7th, 2009 @ 5:18 pm
[…] Boing > Free Form 101 Tags: Antipiratgruppen, denmark, downloads, internet, ip, ip address, MPAA, music, p2p, piracy, […]
November 7th, 2009 @ 7:37 pm
It is a shame that the Danes appear to have so little respect for copyright. Surely, they have artists whose own rights deserve protection, but if they are willing to steal the property of everyone else in the world, with the courts imposing impossibly high judicial barriers, why should anyone respect Danish IP?
November 7th, 2009 @ 10:11 pm
[…] now the Danish Antipiratbyron is throwing in the towel, for another reason: courts in Denmark still require evidence before convicting anyone, and they […]
November 8th, 2009 @ 4:24 am
@Sandy, they went to the court and said – here we have proof that a crime was committed, please punish this person. The courts replied, certainly; but first, where is the evidence that the person you want punished committed the crime.
In response to, “waaaah we don’t wanna”, the courts promptly rule against them…
…and your response is “lets go steal Danish IP because they respect the rule of law!” !?
November 8th, 2009 @ 6:27 pm
How about single-person households? I don’t think anyone uses my ip but me. Is the possibility of a visitor or burglar used my computer enough to keep me safe?
November 9th, 2009 @ 12:12 am
clearly sandy is a FUD machine, or just a fascist zealot. either way it’s nice to see things not going her way.
November 9th, 2009 @ 4:17 am
[…] of technical identification of IP-adresses and technical recognition of files,” they say. Danish anti-piracy agency throw in the towel (Thanks, Christian!) Bookmark and Share: sociallist_f171339b_url = […]
November 9th, 2009 @ 10:49 am
Great news, to techy for the morons in legal courts hahah love it!
November 9th, 2009 @ 3:00 pm
[…] Danish anti-piracy agency throw in the towel […]
November 9th, 2009 @ 4:45 pm
[…] Mer information på freeform101. […]
November 9th, 2009 @ 8:21 pm
[…] Liutauras rašo, kad šioje srityje nėra teisinės patirties. Lietuvoje gal ir nėra, tačiau galima pacituoti šiomis dienomis Danijos kovos su piratavimu organizacijos (Antipiratgruppen) paskelbtą pareiškimą: „courts do not sentence owners of Internet connections simply because of technical identification of IP-adresses and technical recognition of files“ („teismai neteisia interneto jungčių šeimininkų vien dėl techninio IP adreso identifikavimo ir techninio failų atpažinimo“). Daugiau informacijos yra Freeform101. […]
November 9th, 2009 @ 10:43 pm
[…] Politiken.dk via Freeform101 Încǎ o veste bunǎ din Europa Nordicǎ. Organizaţia danezǎ Antipiratgruppen (Grupul […]