Find more time
Posted on | October 15, 2008 | No Comments
Isn’t it scary how more and more appearent it becomes that in the information society the most valuable commodity is time? How many of us will agree that our greatest frustration is not being able to find the time to do the things we really want? I myself have a long list of things that I want to do as soon as I find the time – but the list has items that I put on there several years ago and still haven’t found the time to do. Terrifying!
So what do we do? We try to cut corners, become more efficient, outsource things, buy gadgets, buy books (that end up half-read by our bed)…and freak out when our laptops stalls for a few seconds and we are on a deadline. Ever tried that?
Anyway, let’s cut the gloomy pessimism and get constructive: Ever heard of the open source Quicksilver launching software? Getting started on that has been on my to-do list (Yes, that to-do list again) for months and I finally found the time – and, as all the others that recommended it to me, found out how brilliant it is. What a time- and computer-power saver. It doesn’t solve overall problem of the fact that our society bogs us down in an ever-increasing stressful time stretch, but it sure is neat.
Download it for free here – and I recommend using Dan Dickinson’s excellent 10-minute tutorial.
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