This is a blog. A contemplative online presence aimed at presenting, commenting, scrutinizing and/or discussing a wide range of topics in the sphere of media, politics, technology, social justice, art, civil dissent and other subjects in our increasingly globalized network society.

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Greenpeace Denmark is organizing a huge demonstration in Copenhagen on December 12, just before the final stage of the climate summit. More than 60,000 activists are expected to participate and further to the banners made by activists themselves, Greenpeace will manufacture 3,000 banners and signs to hand out to ensure that spinning news cameras broadcast […]

Obama: Right city, wrong date

Denmark was surely buzzing last week when the IOC delegates met to decide where the 2016 Olympic Games were to take place. Most of the fuzz of course came because of Obama’s short visit to boost the Chicago campaign, but the otherwise popular president’s visit also stirred heavy criticism; not so much for taking active […]

Greenpeace event time-lapse graffiti video

Please allow yourself the time to watch this brilliantly made video that was produced by Greenpeace in Copenhagen to mark the premiere of The Age of Stupid movie. Not Stupid – Greenpeace event time-lapse Graffiti video from Karuna Guzmán Møller on Vimeo.

  • About this blog

    Welcome to the blog, a contemplative online presence aimed at presenting, commenting, scrutinizing and/or discussing a wide range of topics in the sphere of media, politics, technology, social justice, art, civil dissent and other inspiring and/or troublesome subjects in our increasingly globalized world and network society.

    The blog is edited by Christian Villum.

    The 'megasolutions to microproblems' tag is a word remix of a compilation series title coined by Soul Jazz Records
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