This is a blog. A contemplative online presence aimed at presenting, commenting, scrutinizing and/or discussing a wide range of topics in the sphere of media, politics, technology, social justice, art, civil dissent and other subjects in our increasingly globalized network society.

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Bonnichsen receives another idealist prize

Former head of Danish law enforcement intelligence agency PET, Hans Jørgen Bonnichsen, has received another idealist prize – this time given by the Livia Foundation, a proliferation of Center For Konfliktløsning (Danish for the Conflict Resolution Center). Read the piece in Danish newspaper Politiken. For those unfamiliar with Bonnichsen, he is known to be an […]

“Click-fraud” civil disobedience campaign

I love civil disobedience campaigns like this one (found at Slashdot): “In response to Google’s recently announced plans to expand the tracking of users, the international anti-advertising magazine Adbusters proposes that we collectively embark on a civil disobedience campaign of intentional, automated ‘click fraud’ in order to undermine Google’s advertising program in order to force […]

Behavioral Targeting Ad Program

It fills me with intimidation to read about Google’s new initiative; the behavioral targeting ad program. Am I the only one who thinks about 1984 and big brother in general when online habits are so thoroughly mapped and exploited? EFF (Electronica Frontier Foundation) writes: “Today Google launched its behavioral targeting ad program, which it calls […]

Brave New Films

I would like to present a great phenomenon that I’ve learned of recently (from reading an article in Danish newspaper, Information – it’s in Danish, read it here). The phenomenon is a small compony by the name of Brave New Films, an Los Angeles-based independent film production company, founded by Robert Greenwald, specializing in creating […]

NRK launches bittorrent tracker

Interesting turn of events in the wake of the spectrial (the Pirate Bay trial in Sweden, read further below). NRK, Norway’s public service channel, just announced that they are launching a bittorrent tracker based on the same code as The Pirate Bay (the OpenTracker software). Initially they’ll use it to offer their shows for download. […]

Amusing letter to the CEO

TorrentFreak has posted a very amusing and indeed spot-on piece build up over a letter to a software company CEO, made by a very dissatisfied business customer. The letter and the story describes so accurately the frustration caused by DRM in software. Please spend 3 minutes reading this, it’s hilarious and thought-provoking: How To Turn […]

Pirate Bay spectrial detailed account tips

If you are really into following the ‘spectrial’ closely, I suggest you keep an eye on TorrentFreak, that blogs daily from the court room. Also, signing up to TPB-member Peter Sunde’s live-tweets is quite interesting (and funny). Naturally, also his blog is a vital source of information.

Shooting in the NY subway

All of us who has ever visited New York has sneaked into shooting a few pictures in the subway, even if it is not allowed. The setting is so compelling and each subway station has its own unique and indeed very photogenic identity that gives everyone with a camera an itchy trigger finger. However, it […]

The Pirate Bay trial update

As we hold our breath hoping that the Bit Torrent technology and ideology front line portal The Pirate Bay will not ordered to seize and desist, updates come in from all sides. A couple of select headlines: Making a “Spectrial” of it, Pirate Bay trial broadcast live – and also, the articles from the other […]

Operators of the The Pirate Bay stand trial

The war rages on. Slashdot writes: “Operators of The Pirate Bay stand trial on Monday in Stockholm. The four defendants from the popular file-sharing web site are charged with being accessories to breaking copyright law and may face fines or up to two years in prison if found guilty. The four defendants have run the […]

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    Welcome to the blog, a contemplative online presence aimed at presenting, commenting, scrutinizing and/or discussing a wide range of topics in the sphere of media, politics, technology, social justice, art, civil dissent and other inspiring and/or troublesome subjects in our increasingly globalized world and network society.

    The blog is edited by Christian Villum.

    The 'megasolutions to microproblems' tag is a word remix of a compilation series title coined by Soul Jazz Records
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