This is a blog. A contemplative online presence aimed at presenting, commenting, scrutinizing and/or discussing a wide range of topics in the sphere of media, politics, technology, social justice, art, civil dissent and other subjects in our increasingly globalized network society.

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Reverend Billy for mayor of New York!

Reverend Billy, of the advocacy group Church Of Life After Shopping (previously Church of Stop Shopping), has announced running for the position of mayer of New York City for the Green Party of the United States! While his chances are slimmer than zero, I can think of no New Yorker I would rather see sit […]

“Click-fraud” civil disobedience campaign

I love civil disobedience campaigns like this one (found at Slashdot): “In response to Google’s recently announced plans to expand the tracking of users, the international anti-advertising magazine Adbusters proposes that we collectively embark on a civil disobedience campaign of intentional, automated ‘click fraud’ in order to undermine Google’s advertising program in order to force […]

Behavioral Targeting Ad Program

It fills me with intimidation to read about Google’s new initiative; the behavioral targeting ad program. Am I the only one who thinks about 1984 and big brother in general when online habits are so thoroughly mapped and exploited? EFF (Electronica Frontier Foundation) writes: “Today Google launched its behavioral targeting ad program, which it calls […]

Brave New Films

I would like to present a great phenomenon that I’ve learned of recently (from reading an article in Danish newspaper, Information – it’s in Danish, read it here). The phenomenon is a small compony by the name of Brave New Films, an Los Angeles-based independent film production company, founded by Robert Greenwald, specializing in creating […]

Coen brothers’ comment on “clean coal”

Check out this short film made by the Coen brothers commissioned by – it so puts the weird ‘clean coal’ notion into perspective. Read the Boing Boing blog post where I found it.

Pirate Bay spectrial detailed account tips

If you are really into following the ‘spectrial’ closely, I suggest you keep an eye on TorrentFreak, that blogs daily from the court room. Also, signing up to TPB-member Peter Sunde’s live-tweets is quite interesting (and funny). Naturally, also his blog is a vital source of information.

The Pirate Bay trial update

As we hold our breath hoping that the Bit Torrent technology and ideology front line portal The Pirate Bay will not ordered to seize and desist, updates come in from all sides. A couple of select headlines: Making a “Spectrial” of it, Pirate Bay trial broadcast live – and also, the articles from the other […]

Another slick tactical media strike

I have a weak spot for the web activists do tactical media strikes in the shape of mock versions of corporate websites (classics being RTmarks fake George W. Bush website back when the bozo was running for guvernor in Texas). One of the latest succesful ones target Canon – check it out…and more out. I […]

Epicentre war protest

Boing Boing’s videoblog – BBtv – from yesterday, January 29, 2009, is really cool. First off, it takes a look at photographer Glen E. Friedman’s photos of old school hip hop artists including Run DMC and Public Enemy. However, 4 minutes in, it gets really interesting, as it looks at an awesome large-scale anti-war statement […]

Proprietary inaugural stream

We’re all really excited about the inauguration of the 44th president yesterday. One of the Obama administrations focal points is the protection of the openness of the Internet. However, the official web streaming from the inauguration event did not pay homage to the promises set forth. The PlayOgg team suggested that we all write the […]

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    Welcome to the blog, a contemplative online presence aimed at presenting, commenting, scrutinizing and/or discussing a wide range of topics in the sphere of media, politics, technology, social justice, art, civil dissent and other inspiring and/or troublesome subjects in our increasingly globalized world and network society.

    The blog is edited by Christian Villum.

    The 'megasolutions to microproblems' tag is a word remix of a compilation series title coined by Soul Jazz Records
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