This is a blog. A contemplative online presence aimed at presenting, commenting, scrutinizing and/or discussing a wide range of topics in the sphere of media, politics, technology, social justice, art, civil dissent and other subjects in our increasingly globalized network society.

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Piracy – the result of a market failure

If you have just the slightest interest in the heated debate about filesharing and torrents going on right now, you should read the brilliant piece author Matt Mason (of the book The Pirate Dilemma fame – a truly eye opening book about the topic) has written for the TorrentFreak blog, adressing not only The Pirate […]

The Pirate Bay trial invalid? (translation of Swedish article)

Just a couple of hour ago, this breaking news article was published on the webpage of SR (Swedish National Radio). It unveils how the judge of the The Pirate Bay spectrial is actually an active member of the Swedish copyright lobby. As no English media has picked up the story yet, I have made a […]

Swedish repercussions

Following the announcement of the verdict in the trial against The Pirate Bay (the so-called ‘spectrial‘) yesterday, the web has been buzzing with reactions. For one, the Swedish Pirate Party gained more than 3,000 Swedish members in just 7 hours, with a huge amount of people from around the world asking whether they could join […]

The Pirate Bay announced guilty

Minutes ago the official ‘spectrial‘-verdict of the Swedish Court was announced, and rules in favor of the prosecution. The four accused TBP-founders have all been sentenced to 1 year in prison. A couple of hours ago, however, Peter Sunde – spokesman for The Pirate Bay (TPB) and one of the founders on trial – tweeted […]

Internet being bombed back to the stone age tomorrow?

Tomorrow will be a big milestone in Internet-, technology-, copyright-, music-, movie- and civil right history: The Swedish court will announce their verdict in the so-called ‘spectrial‘, where the people behind The Pirate Bay (TBP) have been accused ao. of assisting copyright infringement. Although both parties will appeal the sentence if being ruled against, it […]

High expectations

Am I the only one who is enormously curious to find out what Flattr is? I did not know about the thing before it was mentioned in a tweet from Peter Sunde, one of people behind the The Pirate Bay, a couple of days ago. Waiting impatiently.

aXXo – superstar of the new millennium

As the world is constantly changing, so are it’s celebrities. We’ve been used to people worshipping reality-tv stars and tracking every single move they make. Now, in this web 2.0 world, however, a new sort of superstar is rising, namely the anonymous, faceless web supergeeks – such as ‘aXXo’, one of the worlds most renowned […]

Dropped my coffee

What a scare, today’s first April fool. Dropped my coffee before realizing the scam. Damn you Swedes! 🙂 Warner Bros. Acquires The Pirate Bay

Microsoft discontinues Encarta

Another symbol of the old proprietary world falls: Microsoft Encarta will be discontinued on October 31. No wonder – who wants to pay for an encyclopedia, when everything is on Wikipedia for free? With updates every minute – and written by the people of the world, not only biased first-world historians. Read Microsoft’s announcement here.

“Click-fraud” civil disobedience campaign

I love civil disobedience campaigns like this one (found at Slashdot): “In response to Google’s recently announced plans to expand the tracking of users, the international anti-advertising magazine Adbusters proposes that we collectively embark on a civil disobedience campaign of intentional, automated ‘click fraud’ in order to undermine Google’s advertising program in order to force […]

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    Welcome to the blog, a contemplative online presence aimed at presenting, commenting, scrutinizing and/or discussing a wide range of topics in the sphere of media, politics, technology, social justice, art, civil dissent and other inspiring and/or troublesome subjects in our increasingly globalized world and network society.

    The blog is edited by Christian Villum.

    The 'megasolutions to microproblems' tag is a word remix of a compilation series title coined by Soul Jazz Records
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