0100101110101101.org strikes again #tacticalmedia
Brooklyn-based art activism group 0100101110101101.org has once again made a brilliant and thought-provoking tactical media strike – this time titled ‘No Fun’ and targeting the development in the contemporary online mediascape. From their subsequent press release: “Thousand of people watched powerless while a person was hanging from the ceiling, slowly swinging, for hours and hours. […]
FAT Labs vs. Google
Last week here in Berlin the Transmediale Festival took place – and it was great. However, the icing on the cake is to be attributed entirely to Berlin’s own FAT Labs art activism group (Free Art & Technology), who not only had an intriguing stall at the festival itself (titled ‘Fuck Google‘), but also put […]
Update on the Facebook vs. Suicidemachine issue
After the story came out about how Facebook is trying to tyranize a small Dutch web-service, that helps people disconnect from social media services, quite a lot of attention has been drawn to the case. Especially on the wonderful Nettime-mailinglist where people gather to discuss issues of net criticism. One of the most interesting posts, […]
The future of publishing? Mag+
Geek or not, one cannot help looking immensely forward to the future, when we’ll all have one of these: Mag+. I’ll let the video speak for itself: The people behind it, Bonnier R&D and BERG, write: “This conceptual video is a corporate collaborative research project initiated by Bonnier R&D into the experience of reading magazines […]
‘The Iraq Center’ – autonomous initiative to counter Danish government failure
One of the major national newspapers in Denmark, Politiken, has – somewhat contrary their not particularly leftist ideology – launched an autonomous (and may I say impressive) initiative to try to save some of the remaining Iraqi interpretors that the Danish government has rejected for asylum and started deporting back to war-torn Iraq to an […]
A call for respect and fullfilling of the rights of citizens and artists in the digital era
During the last years, innumerous organisations, activists, researchers and others savvy of the Internet have been fighting to create awareness of the importance of retaining net neutrality in the online sphere, where a myriad of commercial interests are using every possible means to gain dominance. Yet another large-scale initiative of advocacy is now taking place […]
How social media technologies are altering the media landscape
That social media and user-participation is booming is a well-known fact. The same goes for the detoriation of the printed press industry. Still, this short movie puts numbers and facts to this development – it’s fascinating.
Working with Ogg Theora
The open standard, non-proprietary media format Ogg Therora (.ogg) is really catching on. Read this new article from the Free Software Foundation website. Excerpt: “Ogg Theora is becoming a big deal, and that’s exactly what he hoped for when we launched the PlayOgg campaign in May 2007. The free, patent-unencumbered video codec now works in […]
Inspiring writer’s advice
Jeffrey Zeldman, New York-based writer and designer and editor of popular blog Jeffrey Zeldman Presents, just made an inspiring blog post about the dilemma of being under time pressure when working as a creative professional. His mantra, write when inspired, rest when tired, and subsequent argumentation makes good sense. Check it out if your work […]
The Pirate Bay ownership to change hands?
This was just announced minutes ago on The Pirate Bay blog: TPB might change owner Yes, it’s true. News reached the press today in Sweden – The Pirate Bay might get aquired by Global Gaming Factory X AB. A lot of people are worried. We’re not and you shouldn’t be either! TPB is being sold […]
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